This project was created for my master thesis at BMW AG.
It was specifically developed for the Microsoft HoloLens 2 (running natively) using the Unreal Engine 4. Please contact me for the thesis or further information about the project.
Abstract of the thesis:
In this thesis, the concept of “Access Immersion” in driving simulations studies is explored. For driving simulators, access immersion is the concept of immersing study participants in the virtual environment of the simulation before they even enter the simulator. Increasing the feeling of presence in the virtual environment is the main goal of this thesis, especially at the start of the simulation experience. Presence, so the feeling of “being in” the virtual environment, is a significant factor for realistic driving behavior.
This thesis proposes a transition environment between the real and simulated, virtual environment using an Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Device (AR HMD, Microsoft HoloLens 2). The main goal of this transition environment is to show parts of the simulated environment while walking towards the simulator. Other sub-goals are navigation guidance to the simulator, better information about the driving task, and overall study experience enhancement.
To test the effectiveness of this transition environment, a within-subject user study was performed. Each study participant experienced a conventional introduction with a written text, and the introduction with the AR HMD in randomized order. Results show a statistically significant higher self-perceived presence for the AR HMD compared to the text. Other goals, so navigation guidance, information conveyance and experience enhancement, also produced positive results. Overall, this thesis shows that an AR HMD is a valid way to create transition environments which can improve driving simulation studies.